Full-Time Faculty

Teaching, Learning & Student Development
Name Ginger AlmsPosition Associate Professor II of English
Name Jose Alvarez-GarciaPosition Professor I of Spanish
Name Mahd AlzoubiPosition Professor I of Computer Information Systems
Name Timothy AndersonPosition Professor I of Communication Studies
Name Rhey Anthony AyendePosition Instructor of Basic Nurse Assistant
Name Jesse BaderPosition Professor I of Computer Aided Design
Name Naima BahajiPosition Professor II of Mathematics
Name Abigail BaileyPosition Associate Professor II of Mathematics
Name Sara BakerPosition Professor II of English
Name Sharon BakerPosition Professor II of Psychology
Name Tina BallardPosition Professor II of English
Name Damone Andrew BeckPosition Instructor of Certified Recovery Support Specialist Program
Name Anthony BellaviaPosition Instructor of IMT / CIM
Name Taylor BernhardPosition Instructor of Nursing
Name Marc BethPosition Professor II of Music
Name Kenneth BeynonPosition Associate Professor II of Mathematics
Name Brian BohrPosition Instructor of Communication Studies
Name Kellen BoltPosition Assistant Professor II of English
Name Amy BrandolinoPosition Ast. Prof II of Art History
Name Rita BraunPosition Instructor of Certified Recovery Support Specialist Program
Name Sarah BurkhartPosition Assistant Professor II of English as a Second Language
Name Kristen CampbellPosition Professor I of Mathematics
Name Patrick CarberryPosition Assistant Professor II of English
Name Jessica CarpenterPosition Professor II of Psychology
Name Frank CassaraPosition Instructor of HVAC
Name Soma ChattopadhyayPosition Assistant Professor II of Engineering
Name Jennifer ClarkPosition Instructor of English
Name Lori ClarkPosition Professor II of English
Name Linda ConniffPosition Professor II of Business
Name Javier Coronado-AliegroPosition Professor II of Spanish
Name Johanna Cummings BernardPosition Professor II of English
Name Christopher CunninghamPosition Assistant Professor I of Mathematics
Name Charles DakarianPosition Associate Professor I of Biology
Name Jacquelyn DalkePosition Instructor of Nursing
Name Kathleen DeMarsPosition Assistant Professor I of Adult Basic Education
Name Alison DouglasPosition Professor II of English
Name Glenn EarlPosition Professor II of Business
Name Heidi EatonPosition Professor II of Computer Information Sciences
Name John EltzrothPosition Associate Professor I of Physics
Name Reyes EstradaPosition Instructor of HVAC
Name Kari FarooqiePosition Instructor of Mathematics
Name Aja FergusonPosition Instructor of Nursing
Name Leonard FitzpatrickPosition Professor I of Automotive
Name Vincent GaddisPosition Professor II of History
Name Amanda GerkePosition Instructor of Biology
Name Patrick GordonPosition Professor II of Business
Name Maureen GrayPosition Assistant Professor I of Psychology
Name Chasity GunnPosition Assistant Professor II of English
Name James GuzzaldoPosition Assistant Professor II of Culinary Arts & Hospitality
Name Clark-Anson HallpikePosition Professor II of Business
Name Brian HammPosition Assistant Professor II of Truck Driving
Name Peter HanPosition Associate Professor II of Humanities
Name Laura HaskePosition Associate Professor II - Paralegal
Name Emily HealyPosition Assistant Professor II of Sociology
Name Marc HealyPosition Professor II of Anthropology
Name Lisa HodsonPosition Instructor of Nursing
Name Elizabeth HopePosition Associate Professor I of Human Services
Name Marc HucekPosition Associate Professor II of Welding
Name Elizabeth HultmanPosition Instructor/Public Services Librarian
Name Bilal HussainPosition Instructor of Sociology
Name Roxana IduPosition Associate Professor I of Economics
Name Catherine IncapreoPosition Professor II of Nursing
Name Peter InfelisePosition Associate Professor I of Design
Name Richard JesikPosition Associate Professor I of Physics
Name Mae JonesPosition Associate Professor I of Business
Name Daniel JoshPosition Associate Professor I of Visual Arts
Name Jason KanePosition Professor II of English
Name Daniel KernlerPosition Professor II of Mathematics
Name Ryan KerrPosition Professor I of English
Name Michelle KershnerPosition Professor I of Mathematics
Name Erin KerwoodPosition Assistant Professor II of Chemistry
Name Bailey KreagerPosition Assistant Professor I of Applied Physical Science
Name Edward KrollPosition Professor II of Biology
Name Mark KrukowskiPosition Instructor of Computer Information Systems
Name Dana KurpiusPosition Professor II of Biology
Name Margaret Le MoynePosition Associate Professor I of Nursing
Name Thomas LimberisPosition Instructor of Welding
Name Travis LinvillePosition Professor II of Photography
Name Eric LongPosition Professor I of Communication Studies
Name Daniel MancillaPosition Assistant Professor II of English
Name Lori MarcoPosition Assistant Professor I of Ophthalmic Technician Program
Name Michael MarinPosition Instructor of HVAC
Name Christina MarroccoPosition Professor I of English
Name Fabio MartinezPosition Professor II of Automotive
Name Luis MartinezPosition Professor II of Biology
Name Jennifer MaxwellPosition Assistant Professor I of Biology
Name Shawn MaxwellPosition Professor II of Music
Name Leslie McTighePosition Professor II of Humanities
Name Richard McbridePosition Assistant Professor II of Mathematics
Name Tracy MeyerPosition Professor I of Mathematics
Name Carissa MillerPosition Assistant Professor II of English
Name Brian MolyneuxPosition Assistant Professor I of Truck Driving
Name Catherine MoushonPosition Professor II of Mathematics
Name John MravikPosition Professor I of English
Name Dawn MunsonPosition Professor II of Education
Name Gary NordenPosition Professor II of Automotive
Name Mary O'SullivanPosition Professor II of Biology
Name David PackardPosition Professor I of Accounting
Name Chad PearionPosition Assistant Professor II of Biology
Name Joel PeckPosition Professor II of Art
Name Christopher PurdyPosition Assistant Professor I of Mathematics
Name Geoffrey PynnPosition Associate Professor II of Humanities
Name Hani QasmiehPosition Professor II of Biology
Name Antonio RamirezPosition Associate Professor II of History
Name Todd RamljakPosition Associate Professor II of Criminal Justice
Name Parul RavalPosition Professor II of Education
Name David ReichPosition Professor II of Welding
Name Miroslav RezacPosition Professor II of Chemistry
Name Marisol RiveraPosition Associate Professor I of History
Name Susan RobinsonPosition Associate Professor II of Theatre
Name Michel RomanPosition Professor II of English
Name George RosaPosition Associate Professor II of HVAC
Name Joseph RosenfeldPosition Professor II of Human Services
Name Kimberly RotherPosition Professor II of Culinary Arts & Hospitality
Name Eva RudzinskiPosition Instructor of Mathematics
Name Roda RyanPosition Professor II of Surgical Technology
Name Rituparna SahaPosition Assistant Professor II of Chemistry
Name Manuel SalgadoPosition Professor II of Psychology
Name Ruby SannyPosition Professor II of English
Name Mary SchererPosition Instructor of Film and Digital Media
Name Nicole SchergerPosition Professor II of Mathematics
Name Adam SchlipmannPosition Instructor of Music
Name Amy SchneiderPosition Instructor of Nursing
Name David ScottPosition Instructor of HVAC
Name Stacey ShahPosition Professor II Distance Learning Librarian
Name Christopher SikoraPosition Assistant Professor II Computer Aided Design
Name Dorian SimmonsPosition Instructor of Industrial Maintenance Technology
Name Angelika StachnikPosition Professor I of Medical Imaging
Name Leticia StarkovPosition Professor II of Economics
Name Patrick StewartPosition Assistant Professor II of Culinary Arts & Hospitality
Name Rachael StewartPosition Professor II of English
Name Lisa StoltenbergPosition Instructor of Nursing
Name Colleen StriblingPosition Professor II of ESL
Name Barbara TarinPosition Assistant Professor II of Nursing
Name Kimberly TarverPosition Professor II of Physical Therapist Assistant
Name Pinakini ThakkarPosition Instructor of Phlebotomy
Name Joshua ThusatPosition Associate Professor I of English
Name Umberto TinajeroPosition Instructor of IMT / CIM
Name Adyson TottenPosition Instructor of Respiratory Care
Name Steven TrailPosition Professor II of Chemistry
Name Armando TrejoPosition Professor I - Archives/Interlibrary Loan Librarian
Name Victoria TurnerPosition Instructor Technical Services Librarian
Name Arturo VazquezPosition Professor II of Psychology
Name Frederick VogtPosition Professor II of Biology
Name Lucas WagnerPosition Assistant Professor I of Culinary Arts & Hospitality
Name Marta WalzPosition Professor II of Communication Studies
Name Huiyan WangPosition Associate Professor I of Computer Information Systems
Name Jeffrey WeismanPosition Associate Professor I of English
Name Greg WheatonPosition Associate Professor II of Mathematics
Name Kyle WitekPosition Instructor of Welding
Name Chrystie WojcikPosition Professor I of Culinary Arts & Hospitality
Name Jessica WoloszykPosition Assistant Professor I of Nursing
Name Steven WoodPosition Assistant Professor I of IST
Name David ZackerPosition Professor II of Humanities
Name Ranae ZiwiskiPosition Professor II of Accounting