Health and Wellness Management

For aspiring group fitness instructors or personal trainers, ECC’s health and wellness management certificates prepares students to succeed. The curriculum utilizes materials from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) for personal training and the American Council on Exercise (ACE) for group fitness instructors. The Health and Wellness Management Program prepares graduates to take any nationally accredited certification exam for personal trainers and/or group fitness instructors. Program content prepares graduates to understand health, fitness, or wellness facilities, as well as run own businesses. Classes offer solid knowledge in anatomy, physiology, exercise science, kinesiology, and hands-on experiences to enhance practical skills.

As more Americans place an ever-increasing value on exercise and wellness, the demand for personal trainers, fitness specialists, and wellness consultants is increasing locally and across the country. Some employers and insurance companies are recognizing the benefits of health and fitness programs and are offering incentives to join fitness facilities, which also increases the need for fitness professionals.

ECC’s program is ideal for recent high school graduates, adults changing careers, or those seeking a quicker path toward working credentials. Health and wellness professionals play an integral part in the promotion, development, and implementation of health and wellness programs. Certified personal trainers and group fitness instructors design customized fitness programs for active and fit people working towards greater fitness and sedentary individuals who are striving to become active, as well as the elderly and overweight. The workplace is varied and may include athletic clubs, schools, health/fitness clubs, YMCAs/YWCAs, clients’ homes, and private studios with one-on-one sessions and small or large groups.

Personal trainers typically instruct individuals in beginning or advanced exercises, relying on their knowledge of physiology to determine the type and difficulty level of exercise, specific movements, and form correction. Trainers often demonstrate exercises and equipment, offering individualized guidance and encouragement.

Group fitness instructors teach a variety of fitness classes for individuals of all fitness levels. They design classes to deliver memorable experiences for the participants, helping them to achieve their health and fitness goals.

Students interested in the Health and Wellness Management Program should see an academic advisor or the program director to create an educational plan.

More information about the program can be found at

Entrance Requirements

Complete and submit health professions application.

Program Requirements

Students must complete all required courses with grades of C or better.