Phlebotomy is the collection of blood specimens using venipuncture and dermal puncture techniques. Phlebotomists are often the first member of the laboratory team that the patient encounters. For this reason, students considering a career in phlebotomy should possess good communication skills in addition to being able to perform technical procedures accurately and react professionally in critical situations. Phlebotomists work in hospitals, outpatient clinics, commercial labs, blood centers, physicians’ office labs and others.
Students who complete all required phlebotomy courses with grades of C or better will receive a Basic Vocational Specialist certificate from ECC.
Entrance Requirements
Proof of High School Diploma and,
One of the following:
- Reading: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria.
Program Requirements
Students must complete PBT 101 with a grade of C or better and receive a recommendation from the instructor to be eligible to continue in PBT 120. A completed medical form and proof of health insurance must be on file prior to beginning the clinical practicum. Students must provide their own uniform and transportation to and from the clinical site.
Policies and Procedures
Students applying to health professions programs must provide a valid Social Security number in order to be screened for placement on the Illinois Health Care Worker Background Check Registry. Students must be listed on this registry in order to be eligible to complete required clinical training. Students demonstrating a positive background check will be denied admission to any health professions program. A valid Social Security number is also needed to apply for licensing/certification exams.
Before attending clinical training, students must have the following documentation on file in the health professions division office: negative drug test results, completed medical form which includes proof of immunizations/titer results, and proof of health insurance coverage.
Health professions students will be required to update their drug test, TB test/TB survey, and flu vaccine on an annual basis. Students demonstrating a positive drug test will be dismissed from the health professions division.
The standards, policies and procedures of the phlebotomy program are published in the phlebotomy student handbook. Copies of the student handbook may be obtained online on the Phlebotomy program page.