Criminal Justice

Increasing complexities of our society and its laws have influenced more criminal justice agencies to require that candidates for employment possess a college education. The degree in criminal justice features opportunities to learn essential knowledge for preparedness to work in the criminal justice field, but does not cover the professional courses that lead to police or corrections officer certification. There are also opportunities for police officers and other practitioners to receive credit for their experiences in this program. Course work includes the philosophies of community policing, professional integrity and ethics, personal fitness, broad-based criminal justice education, and writing across the curriculum.
The degree in digital forensics will prepare you to identify, collect, and maintain digital artifacts to preserve their reliability for admission as evidence in a court of law. Computers and other digital devices are used today in just about every facet of our business and personal lives. As society becomes more dependent on these devices to communicate and store data, evidence trails are left in electronic format.
The digital forensics vocational certificate is for individuals who are already in law enforcement or criminal justice and want to jump into digital forensics.
Entrance Requirements
Program Requirements
- The language, terms, and concepts of criminal justice and police administration.
- Each component of the criminal justice system, and be able to define and describe each component.
- The causes of crime in our society.
- Law enforcement practices and the causes of stress within the profession.
- The differences in the juvenile and adult justice systems.
- The sources of law within the American Criminal Justice System (Common Law, Constitution, legislative/statutory laws, case law, substantive and procedural laws)
- The fundamentals of criminal investigations, and the laws of evidence.
- Communicating effectively through oral and written formats.
- The local, state and federal courts systems, and identify courtroom procedures.
- Providing examples of major ethical issues confronting the criminal justice system and its personnel.
- The relationship between the community and the police, and the necessity for proactive vs. reactive strategy in the community.
- The relationship between the community and the police, and the necessity for proactive vs. reactive strategy in the community.
- The significance of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, specifically, the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and the Fourteenth Amendments as they apply to development of criminal laws.
- The history and evolution of Correctional Programs used in the U.S. Criminal Justice System.
Criminal Justice - Associate of Applied Science
First Semester | Credit Hours | |
CRJ 101 | Introduction to Criminal Justice | 3 |
CMS 101 | Fundamentals of Speech | 3 |
CRJ 111 | Stress Management in Law Enforcement | 3 |
POS 150 | Amer Government - National | 3 |
ENG 101 | English Composition I | 3 |
Total | 15 | |
Second Semester | ||
CRJ 110 | Introduction to Corrections | 3 |
CRJ 198 | The Police Service | 3 |
CRJ 160 | Criminal Justice Report Writing | 3 |
PSY 100 | Intro to Psychology | 3 |
HUM 115 | Critical Reasoning or Logic or Ethics | 3 |
Total | 15 | |
Third Semester | ||
CRJ 199 | Community Based Policing | 3 |
SOC 100 | Principles of Sociology | 3 |
CRJ 231 | Juvenile Justice | 3 |
CRJ 205 | Criminal Law | 3 |
Required Math/Science Course | 3 | |
Criminal Justice Elective | 3 | |
Total | 18 | |
Fourth Semester | ||
CRJ 225 | Criminal Investigation | 3 |
CRJ 230 | Criminology | 3 |
CRJ 270 | Criminal Justice Org and Mgt | 3 |
Criminal Justice Elective | 3 | |
Total | 12 | |
Program Total | 60 |
Criminal Justice Electives
Course | Title | Credits |
CRJ 120 | Introduction to Probation and Parole | 3 |
CRJ 165 | Introduction to Forensic Science | 3 |
CRJ 175 | Terrorism and Homeland Security | 3 |
CIS 170 | Introduction to Digital Forensics | 3 |
CRJ 180 | Crime Prevention | 3 |
CRJ 200 | Police Operations | 3 |
CRJ 201 | Crisis and Conflict Mediation | 3 |
CRJ 206 | Ethical Decisions-Criminal Justice | 3 |
CRJ 215 | Criminal Procedure | 3 |
CRJ 220 | Criminalistics | 3 |
CRJ 235 | Issues in Criminal Justice | 0.5-3 |
CRJ 280 | Criminal Justice Internship | 1-4 |
CRJ 290 | Criminal Justice Seminar & Practicum | 3 |
SUB 122 | Substance Abuse Pharmacology | 3 |
SUB 125 | Special Populations | 3 |
PSC 105 | Public Safety Telecommunicator | 6 |
FSS 101 | Principles of Emergency Services | 3 |
FSS 202 | Hazardous Materials Chemistry | 3 |
FSS 220 | Legal Aspects of Emergency Services | 3 |
Digital Forensics - Associate of Applied Science
First Semester | Credit Hours | |
CIS 110 | Computer Concepts & Business Appls | 3 |
CMS 101 | Fundamentals of Speech | 3 |
CIS 171 | Introduction to Cyber Crimes | 2 |
Required Communications Course | 3 | |
Required Social/Behavioral Sciences Course (Recommended PSY 100 or POS 150) | 3 | |
Total | 14 | |
Second Semester | ||
CIS 230 | Computer Hardware & Troubleshooting | 3 |
CIS 170 | Introduction to Digital Forensics | 3 |
Required Math/Science Course | 3-4 | |
Required Humanities/Fine Arts Course | 3 | |
Total | 12-13 | |
Third Semester | ||
CRJ 205 | Criminal Law | 3 |
CIS 252 | Network Fundamentals | 3 |
CIS 222 | Linux Operating Systems | 3 |
Digital Forensics Elective | 3-4 | |
Required Communications Course | 3 | |
Total | 15-16 | |
Fourth Semester | ||
CIS 271 | Application Device Evidence Recovery | 3 |
CRJ 215 | Criminal Procedure | 3 |
CIS 253 | Principles of Cyber Security | 3 |
CRJ 230 | Criminology | 3 |
CIS 231 | Intro to Windows OS | 3 |
Digital Forensics Elective | 3-4 | |
Total | 18-19 | |
Program Total | 59-62 |
Digital Forensics Electives
Course | Title | Credits |
CIS 105 | Python Programming I | 4 |
CIS 121 | Computer Science I | 4 |
CIS 127 | Discrete Structures | 3 |
CIS 256 | Network Administration/Microsoft | 3 |
ACC 200 | Financial Accounting | 4 |
CRJ 101 | Introduction to Criminal Justice | 3 |
CRJ 165 | Introduction to Forensic Science | 3 |
CRJ 280 | Criminal Justice Internship | 1-4 |
Digital Forensics -Basic Vocational Specialist
First Semester | Credit Hours | |
CIS 110 | Computer Concepts & Business Appls | 3 |
CIS 170 | Introduction to Digital Forensics | 3 |
CIS 171 | Introduction to Cyber Crimes | 2 |
Digital Forensics Elective | 2-3 | |
Total | 10-11 | |
Second Semester | ||
CIS 222 | Linux Operating Systems | 3 |
CIS 230 | Computer Hardware & Troubleshooting | 3 |
CIS 253 | Principles of Cyber Security | 3 |
Total | 9 | |
Third Semester | ||
CIS 271 | Application Device Evidence Recovery | 3 |
Digital Forensics Elective | 6 | |
Total | 9 | |
Program Total | 28-29 |
Digital Forensics Electives
Course | Title | Credits |
CIS 105 | Python Programming I | 4 |
CIS 230 | Computer Hardware & Troubleshooting | 3 |
CIS 252 | Network Fundamentals | 3 |
CIS 253 | Principles of Cyber Security | 3 |
CIS 256 | Network Administration/Microsoft | 3 |
CRJ 165 | Introduction to Forensic Science | 3 |
All CRJ courses numbered 100 and above may be applied to the major field and elective requirement in the Associate for Arts and Associate in Science degrees.
CRJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3)(3,0)
This course will approach the criminal justice system from an historical, developmental and philosophical perspective. Included will be the independent and interdependent relationships which exist between the components of the system as well as the connection with and impact upon society. (1.2) IAI Major: CRJ 901 Proficiency Credit Available (2 FET) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer
CRJ 110 Introduction to Corrections (3)(3,0)
This course provides students with an overview of the corrections system. Course includes historical development, philosophy and a variety of correctional methods. Both pre- and post-institutional techniques, probation and parole will be covered. (1.1) IAI Major: CRJ 911 Proficiency Credit Available (2 FET) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer
CRJ 111 Stress Management in Law Enforcement (3)(3,0)
The purpose of this course is to develop an understanding of the stress faced by law enforcement officers and identify the sources of stress faced by the police officer, both internally and externally. Obtain an understanding of the physiology of stress, the zone of stability, and the causes of stress in policing. Methods of controlling and responding to stress will be reviewed, including physical and psychological techniques of stress management. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall
CRJ 120 Introduction to Probation and Parole (3)(3,0)
This course will cover the organization and operation of probation and parole systems, including history, law, ideologies, evaluation, problems, supervision, investigations, halfway houses, work release, and future trends. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall
CRJ 160 Criminal Justice Report Writing (3)(2,2)
This course will include the practical essentials for the preparation of notes, letters, bulletins, reports, statements and confessions as used throughout the criminal justice system. A review of grammar, usage, punctuation, structure and spelling will be covered. Clear, concise and accurate writing will be stressed. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Available (2 FET) Pass/No Credit Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: ENG 101
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
CRJ 165 Introduction to Forensic Science (3)(2,2)
This course is intended to introduce the student to the field of Forensics Science as applied in the field by police officers and evidence technicians. The student will be introduced to the many aspects of working with evidence in a classroom setting while participating in hands-on application of many techniques in the location, collection, identification, and preservation of various categories of evidence in a field and lab setting. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $464 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall
CRJ 175 Terrorism and Homeland Security (3)(3,0)
This course provides a basic overview of the issues and criminology of terrorism. It will discuss international terrorism from ethnic, nationalistic, and separatist perspectives and look at religious and ideological terrorism; both international and domestic. Specific terrorist organizations will be analyzed and discussed with specific attention given to future trends and behavior such as; suicide terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Cyberterrorism and other terrorist "tools of the trade". Homeland Security and counter-terrorism issues will be addressed along with the importance of intelligence sharing and governmental partnerships between federal, state, and local law enforcement and intelligence agencies. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Available (2 IEF) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Varies
CRJ 180 Crime Prevention (3)(3,0)
This course provides a survey of crime prevention strategies as a specific function of police services requiring input from private, public and community interests. Examines the philosophy and organizational structure of crime prevention units. Explores the efficacy of neighborhood watch, target hardening and opportunity education programs and the potential problem areas. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Available (2 FET) Pass/No Credit Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
CRJ 198 The Police Service (3)(3,0)
This course is an introduction to the aspects of policing as a functional component of the criminal justice system. The primary emphasis is to introduce students to the historical developments of the police process and the problems involved with the functions of policing in American society. Topics will include the rights and responsibilities of the uniformed officer; manpower distribution theories; police personnel issues of unionism, educational and training requirements, other personnel problems, ethics, and corruption, community relations, including problem oriented policing; the police subculture as a distinct value system; an analysis of the relationship between police agencies and their communities; and an introduction to administrative theory. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Available (2 FET) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: CRJ 101 or consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Spring
CRJ 199 Community Based Policing (3)(3,0)
This course will provide students with the overall intent of community involvement in the protection of the community, and also expose students to innovative approaches to resolving local problems in law enforcement. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Available (2 FET) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CRJ 101.
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
CRJ 200 Police Operations (3)(2,2)
This course studies the history and development of traffic and pedestrian law, and laws affecting attacks on police officers. It will examine the operations of patrol including accident investigation, and will include domestic violence, crimes in progress, felony stops, hostages, and incidents involving fire and hazardous materials, and courtroom testimony. It will also examine public misconduct, preventative patrol, and emergency vehicle operations. Special tactics, ethics, psychological dynamics involving interaction with a culturally diverse public, including juveniles will also be addressed. Students will participate in case studies, skills exercises, simulation, and report writing. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Available (2 FET) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Varies
CRJ 201 Crisis and Conflict Mediation (3)(3,0)
This course presents the social and psychological factors found in crisis situations such as family violence, homicide, chemical and sexual abuse, suicide, physical illnesses, injuries, and various forms of interpersonal conflicts and violence. Students will develop strategies for effective assessment, intervention, and follow-up of these situations. The course also covers victimology, including the rights of victims, witnesses, and the responsibility of the helping professional. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Available (2 FET) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: CRJ 101 or consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Varies
CRJ 205 Criminal Law (3)(3,0)
This course will include a study of social and historical origins and of criminal law. The course will also cover the elements necessary to establish criminal violations and judicial sanctions, and the contemporary societal purposes and functions of the criminal law, using such examples and perspectives as common law, precedent, the Model Penal Code, and Illinois state statutes. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: CRJ 101 or consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Fall
CRJ 206 Ethical Decisions-Criminal Justice (3)(3,0)
This course will offer an intense examination of the ethical dilemmas and diversity issues facing the professional criminal justice practitioner. Myths and realities surrounding race, gender, social class, and the relationship to the criminal justice system are discussed. Typical applied ethical issues might include the following: plea bargaining, capital punishment, insanity defense, mandatory sentencing, search and seizure rules, white collar crime, terrorism, and community-based alternatives to incarceration. Proficiency Credit: Not Available Pass/No Credit: Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in HUM 115, HUM 116, or HUM 216
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
CRJ 215 Criminal Procedure (3)(3,0)
This course covers constitutional and statutory guidelines for arrest, detention, use of force, search and seizure, warrant requirements, lineups and identification procedures, confessions, admissions, and interrogations. Emphasis is on the procedural considerations affecting law enforcement actions as restricted by constitutional amendments, statutes, and judicial precedent. It will include criminal procedures of Illinois, in addition to the general procedural guidelines for the administration of criminal law. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available (2 FET) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: CRJ 205
Semester(s) Offered: Spring
CRJ 220 Criminalistics (3)(3,0)
This course covers all aspects of crime scene processing and evidence preservation and collection. The study of this will include processing the crime scene for trace evidence, examining and evaluating physical evidence, and laboratory procedures. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Spring
CRJ 225 Criminal Investigation (3)(3,0)
This course will cover the fundamentals and procedures of investigation; applications of deductive and inductive reasoning to the investigative process; the collection, marking, and preservation of evidence; and the techniques and procedures of the follow-up investigation. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available (2 FET) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Spring
CRJ 230 Criminology (3)(3,0)
Nature of adult and juvenile crime with historic and conventional theories of causation. Interrelationship of punishment to solution and correction. A thorough study is made of the classes of crime, types of criminals, and procedures utilized in rehabilitating criminals. The various measures employed in deterring crime are also an integral part of this course. (1.1) IAI Major: CRJ 912 Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available NOTE: This course is offered concurrently as SOC 230. The student must decide whether to earn credits in Criminal Justice (CRJ) or Sociology (SOC) prior to enrolling.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None Recommended: SOC 100
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
CRJ 231 Juvenile Justice (3)(3,0)
An overview of the nature, extent, causes and control of juvenile delinquency. It will include the nature of the juvenile justice system and the processing of juveniles, including the historical development and the differences from the criminal system. The course will also include a study of the Illinois Juvenile Justice statutes. (1.2) IAI Major: CRJ914 Proficiency Credit Available (2 FET) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CRJ 101
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer
CRJ 235 Issues in Criminal Justice (.5-3)(.5,0)
(.5-3, 0-6) Discussion and analysis of specific topics in criminal justice. Focus of the class will be on issues of police, courts, corrections or security in contemporary American society. Emphasis on promoting dialogue between students and practitioners from different areas of the criminal justice system. This course is repeatable 3 times. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Available (2 FET) Pass/No Credit Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $69 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Varies
CRJ 270 Criminal Justice Org and Mgt (3)(3,0)
This course is designed to acquaint the student with basic management and leadership theories as they pertain to criminal justice administration. Included will be, principles of management and bureaucracy, organizational structure, and hierarchy; selection, training, supervision, and discipline of personnel; ethics; collective bargaining; planning; budgeting, auxiliary and staff functions. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available (2 FET) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CRJ 198 or CRJ 199 and CRJ 110 or consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
CRJ 280 Criminal Justice Internship (1-4)(0,0)
Students work in the criminal justice industry performing substantive tasks. A total of 80 hours of internship during the semester is necessary for each hour of class credit. There are no class meeting times; however, students will be responsible for keeping a weekly journal in the learning management system detailing work/tasks performed which will be reviewed by the Criminal Justice faculty or Instructional Coordinator. Students must also write a short paper summarizing their on-the-job experience and documenting both criminal justice and professional skills learned. Course is repeatable to 3 times up to 12 credits. Proficiency Credit: Not Available Pass/No Credit: Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $552 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Varies
CRJ 290 Criminal Justice Seminar & Practicum (3)(1,10)
The acquisition of practical related experience through the application of classroom theories in actual criminal justice agencies under the supervision of faculty and agency staff. This off campus fieldbased course will provide broad exposure to the operating components of the criminal justice system. Students will be required to attend seminars, work 10 hours per week in the field, submit reports and keep a task log. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Available (2 IE) Pass/No Credit Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer