
The Histotechnician (HT) is responsible for processing surgical tissues, biopsies, and autopsy specimens for microscopic review by pathologists. Illnesses such as cancer or serious infections can often be detected by the arrangement of cells in a tissue sample.

The Histotechnology Program of Elgin Community College provides a quality education which integrates general education and professional courses with hands-on experience to prepare graduates with the technical skills needed to work in a variety of histology laboratories. Students who successfully complete the Associate of Applied Science degree in Histotechnology or hold an associate degree or higher and complete the Vocational Specialist Certificate in Histotechnology, will be eligible to sit for the national histotechnician /histotechnologist certification exam administered by the American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP).


The Histotechnology Program is accredited by:

The National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS)
600 N. River Rd., Suite 720
Rosemont, IL 60018
Phone: 773-714-8880

Entrance Requirements

1. Proof of High School diploma or High School equivalency
2. Successful completion with a grade of C or better in within 10 years:

  • BIO 110 or BIO 113  or equivalent transfer credit. 
  • Algebra:  MTH 098 or MTH 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria.
  • Geometry: MTH 097 or satisfaction of other placement criteria.

General education courses required for degree completion (may be taken before the program enrollment) must be completed with a C or better, math and science courses must be completed within 10 years.

To be eligible for the VS certificate applicants must hold an associate or higher degree from a regionally accredited college or university. The degree must include 12 credit hours of chemistry and biology (combined). If these courses are not included within the degree, they must be taken in addition to the degree.

Course Title Credits
General Education
CMS 210Interpersonal Communication3
ENG 101English Composition I3
ENG 102English Composition II3
Humanities/Fine Arts
Social/Behavioral Science
Math and Science
BIO 245Human Anatomy and Physiology I4
BIO 246Human Anatomy and Physiology II4
BIO 265Microbiology4
CHM 112Elements of Chemistry: General5
CHM 170Elementary Organic Chemistry5
MTH 112College Algebra4

Preference is given to candidates who are legal residents of Community College District 509, Elgin Community College. Working in district does not meet this requirement. Qualified applicants from other districts may be considered if space is available. Go to Joint Agreements to learn more.

Admission Procedures

Admission to the program is selective.  For more information, please see admission requirements.

Program Requirements

Students must complete all required courses with grades of C or better to be eligible to sit for the histotechnician certification exam offered by the American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP). Prior credits in biology, chemistry, or mathematics must have been earned within the last 10 years. Students must provide their own uniform and transportation to and from all clinical sites.

Policies and Procedures

Students applying to health professions programs must complete a background check and drug screen in order to be part of the health profession’s program. Students must complete these requirements in order to complete required clinical training (internships). Students demonstrating a positive background check or drug screen will be denied admission to any health professions program.

Health professions students will be required to update their drug test, TB test and flu vaccination on an annual basis. Some clinical affiliates also require a repeat background check.  Students demonstrating a positive drug test will be dismissed from the health professions division.

The standards, policies, and procedures of the histotechnology program are published in the histotechnology student handbook. Copies of the student handbook may be obtained online at Histotechnology Program.