Truck Driving

The Truck Driving Program includes 320 hours of education consisting of online courses and hands-on yard and road training. The program meets or exceeds state and federal Entry Level Driver Training (ELDT) requirements and is registered on the FMCSA Training Provider Registry (TPR). In addition, students learn map reading, trip planning, log keeping, vehicle systems, cargo handling, driving under adverse conditions, defensive driving, and transporting hazardous materials. The mandatory written examination and the driving test must be taken at an Illinois Secretary of State commercial driver’s license testing facility for permit or licensure. Equipment for the driving test will be provided to ECC students. To be commercially licensed intrastate (in-state only), students must be at least age 18; age 21 for interstate (across state lines) and/or to transport placarded hazardous materials.

Entrance Requirements

Must pass federal Department of Transportation (DOT) “qualifications and disqualifications.” Potential students must review the following program requirements and fill out the link below to request instructor's consent:

Program Requirements

Prospective truck driving program students must receive instructor consent.

Consent requirements are:

1.) Must have a valid Illinois Driver's License.

2.) Driver's License expiration date MUST be at least ONE YEAR (365 Days) from date of program entry or pending renewal at that time.*

3.) Must have an active ECC student ID number.

4.) Must obtain, or be eligible to obtain, an Illinois state commercial learners permit (CLP) and keep it valid through the duration of the program.

5.) Must be a minimum of 18 years old.

Click here to request instructor consent after reviewing the above requirements.

*The Illinois Secretary of State issues Commercial Learner's Permits (CLPs) for one-year periods. Driver's Licenses with less than one year from the date of CLP application will require renewal. The renewed license must be in "Mailed" status before taking the written tests to obtain the CLP. Click here to check your Illinois card mailing status.

Special Admission Requirement

The DOT has regulations governing the use of drugs and alcohol by commercial motor vehicle drivers. Elgin Community College is required to conduct mandatory drug and alcohol testing of students in the Truck Driving Program per DOT rule, 49 CFR Part 40. Federal law prohibits the use of controlled substances and is not overridden by differences in state law.

The Truck Driving Program includes assistance with preparing for the CLP test. CLP test fee is $50.00 payable to and taken at West Chicago or Elk Grove Village IL Secretary of State facilities.

Forklift Operator Entrance Requirements

The forklift certificate consists of classroom and hands-on instruction in the safe operation of lift trucks. Students will be instructed on safety inspections, balance calculation, safe operation for loading/unloading and movement of lift with and without loads. All instruction will follow training requirements outlined by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. Students will earn a Forklift Operator Certificate upon completion.

Qualifying students must be a minimum of 18 years of age, in good mental and physical health, be able to lift a minimum of twenty-five pounds unassisted, bend, stretch, sit, and stand for extended periods of time. Must be drug and alcohol-free. Operators are not required to hold a state driver's license. Note: many companies may require an operator to be 21 years of age to operate a lift truck.