Physical Ed.-P.E. Majors (PEM)

(Includes classes for P.E. majors, co-educational, and health.)

Only FOUR hours of PHC courses numbered 100 and above may be applied to the Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees.

All PHC, PEM, and PHR courses numbered 100 and above may be applied to the major field and elective requirement for the AA and AS degrees.

PEM 220 Phys Educ at Elem Level (3)(2,2)

This course is an introduction to elementary school physical education activities and curriculum with an emphasis on understanding human movement and development needs of children, planning developmental learning experiences, and classroom management and instruction techniques. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available (2 E) Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $415 (effective 2024/25 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: None

Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring