Sociology (SOC)

SOC 100 Principles of Sociology, SOC 201 Social Problems, SOC 209 Racial and Ethnic Relations, SOC 210 Marriage and Family, SOC 215 Social Psychology, and SOC 220 Gender Roles and Social Change may be used to fulfill the behavioral sciences requirement for the Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in Fine Arts, and Associate in Engineering Science degrees.

All SOC courses numbered 100 and above may be applied to the major field and elective requirement for the AA and AS degrees.

All SOC courses numbered 100 and above may be used to fulfill the behavioral sciences requirements for the Associate in Liberal Studies and Associate of Applied Science degrees.

SOC 100 Principles of Sociology (3)(3,0)

This course examines human society and the complex relationships that exist between individuals, groups and institutions. This examination will be facilitated by focusing on methods and theories used in analyzing and understanding changes taking place in contemporary society. (1.1) Fulfills the ECC/IAI General Education/Behavioral Sciences requirement. IAI Course Number: S7 900 Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $405 (effective 2024/25 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Reading: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Writing: Grade of C or better in ENG 098 or LTC 099 or satisfaction of other placement criteria.

Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer

SOC 101 Introduction to Family Violence (3)(3,0)

This course will examine the issues of family violence from the various perspectives of children, spouses, and the elderly. The course will focus on the dynamics, signs and symptoms, prevention and possible interventions for each age group. Students will examine physical abuse and neglect, sexual abuse and harassment, emotional abuse and exploitation. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $405 (effective 2024/25 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: None

Semester(s) Offered: Spring

SOC 201 Social Problems (3)(3,0)

This course utilizes sociological concepts and methods in the investigation and analysis of major social problems, including methods for alleviating them, such as: alcoholism, crime, drug addiction, mental illness, ethnic prejudice and marital discord. (1.1) Fulfills the ECC/IAI General Education/Behavioral Sciences requirement. IAI Course Number: S7 901 Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $405 (effective 2024/25 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Reading: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Writing: Grade of C or better in ENG 098 or LTC 099 or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Recommended: SOC 100

Semester(s) Offered: Fall

SOC 205 Undergraduate Research Projects (1-3)(3,0)

(1.0-3.0) This course in Independent Projects in Undergraduate Research is designed to satisfy specific research, innovation and/or creative guidance to students through faculty mentorship. This credit signifies that students were Fellows through the Center for Undergraduate Research, Innovation, and Creativity. This course is repeatable 3 times. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $405 (effective 2024/25 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Consent of Director

Semester(s) Offered: Varies

SOC 209 Racial and Ethnic Relations (3)(3,0)

Study of the past and current racial and ethnic diversity of American society, and its implications and consequences for the various groups studied, and the entire society. The course will examine the roles and status of American ethnic groups originating in European and non-European areas but will focus primarily on the non-European. Examining race as a social, political, economic and historical construction, the course will examine the inter-generational and lasting impacts of ethnocentrism, and individual and institutional social structures.(1.1) Fulfills the ECC/IAI General Education/Behavioral Sciences requirement. IAI Course Number: S7 903D Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $405 (effective 2024/25 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Reading: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Writing: Grade of C or better in ENG 098 or LTC 099 or satisfaction of other placement criteria.

Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring

SOC 210 Marriage and Family (3)(3,0)

A sociological analysis of the family and its forms and functions. The course analyzes marital practices and family structures in a variety of cultural settings, and may investigate the extent to which societal customs and mores affect the individual's conceptualization of these areas. (1.1) Fulfills the ECC/IAI General Education/Behavioral Sciences requirement. IAI Course Number: S7 902 Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $405 (effective 2024/25 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Reading: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Writing: Grade of C or better in ENG 098 or LTC 099 or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Recommended: SOC 100

Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer

SOC 215 Social Psychology (3)(3,0)

The scientific study of social factors in individual and group behavior. Topics of investigation include the self, social perception, attraction, intimacy, social influence, attitudes, persuasion, altruism, aggression, group structures and group dynamics. (1.1) Fulfills the ECC/IAI General Education/Behavioral Sciences requirement. IAI Course Number: S8 900 Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available NOTE: This course is offered concurrently as PSY 215. The student must decide whether to earn credits in Sociology (SOC) or Psychology (PSY) prior to enrolling.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $405 (effective 2024/25 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or SOC 100 or consent of instructor

Semester(s) Offered: Spring

SOC 220 Gender Roles and Social Change (3)(3,0)

The study of gender roles and inequality in the context of a changing world: examination of the causes, behavioral effects, behavioral prescriptions, as well as forms of change in a variety of social and institutional contexts. (1.1) Fulfills the ECC/IAI General Education/Behavioral Sciences requirement. IAI Course Number: S7 904D Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $405 (effective 2024/25 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Reading: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Writing: Grade of C or better in ENG 098 or LTC 099 or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Other: SOC 100 or consent of instructor.

Semester(s) Offered: Spring

SOC 223 Applied Research Methods (3)(3,0)

This course introduces students to applied research in the social sciences. Including various research designs in the study of behavior, social systems, and interventions. Emphasis will be placed on reading empirically based research, basic data analysis, research methodology, and the application of procedures and ethical practices in research. Throughout the semester, students will participate and engage in creating their own research project. (1.1) Special Note: This course is offered concurrently as SOC-223. The student must decide whether to earn credits in Psychology (PSY) or Sociology (SOC) prior to enrolling. Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $405 (effective 2024/25 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in PSY-100 or SOC-100.

Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring

SOC 225 Human Sexuality (3)(3,0)

Study of social and psychological aspects of human sexuality. Includes sexual development, cultural influences, motivation and emotion, sex-role identification, values, and decision making. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available NOTE: This course is offered concurrently as PSY 225. The student must decide whether to earn credits in Sociology (SOC) or Psychology (PSY) prior to enrolling.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $405 (effective 2024/25 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in SOC 100 or PSY 100

Semester(s) Offered: Fall

SOC 230 Criminology (3)(3,0)

Nature of adult and juvenile crime with historic and conventional theories of causation. Interrelationship of punishment to solution and correction. A thorough study is made of the classes of crime, types of criminals, and procedures utilized in rehabilitating criminals. The various measures employed in deterring crime are also an integral part of this course.(1.1) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available NOTE: This course is offered concurrently as CRJ 230. The student must decide whether to earn credits in Sociology (SOC) or Criminal Justice (CRJ) prior to enrolling.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $405 (effective 2024/25 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: None Recommended: SOC 100

Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring