Art (ART)
ART 115 Art Appreciation, ART 130 Art of Film, ART 151 History of Art, Prehistory to 1300, ART 154 Survey of Non-Western Art, ART 155 History of Photography, ART 231 The Story of Film to WWII, and ART 232 The Story of Film After WWII may be used to fulfill the fine arts requirement for the Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, and Associate in Engineering Science degrees.
ART 115 Art Appreciation, ART 130 Art of Film, ART 151 History of Art, Prehistory to 1300, ART 152 History of Art, 1300 to the Present, ART 154 Survey of Non-Western Art, and ART 155 History of Photography may be used to fulfill the liberal education requirement for the Associate of Applied Science degree.
All ART courses numbered 100 and above may also be applied to the major field and elective requirement for the AA and the AS degrees.
It is highly recommended that any student pursuing an AA degree or an AFA degree with a major in art take ART 101 Drawing I, ART 102 Drawing II, ART 109 2D Design Foundations, and ART 110 3D Design Foundations during the first year of study.
ECC reserves the right to exhibit any student work produced in art classes and to reproduce this work in any and all college publications.
ART 101 Drawing I (3)(0,6)
This introductory drawing studio course emphasizes the development of foundational drawing techniques and methods using a variety of drawing media. Students will learn how to draw from direct observation and generate artwork that reflects personal expression and individual style. Students will also apply design principles and theory in the examination of works of art. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $464 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer
ART 102 Drawing II (3)(0,6)
This intermediate drawing studio course will further develop the foundational drawing skills introduced in Drawing I. Students will be introduced to color theory principles and color application in generating artwork from direct observation and self-generated imagery. Students will explore how to express conceptual ideas and translate them into representational and abstract compositions that reflect design-focused problem solving. The course will allow students to strengthen use of technical vocabulary and design theory in the examination of works of visual art. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $464 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ART 101 or consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer
ART 103 Sculpture I (3)(6)
Simple sculpture construction with a major emphasis in design, contour and mass. The materials to be incorporated into visual ideas are plastic, wood, metal, clay and found objects. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $504 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
ART 104 Sculpture II (3)(0,6)
Continuation of 103 Sculpture I with greater emphasis upon complex sculptural forms, such as contour and mass. Also you will work with different materials such as wood and bronze. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $504 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: ART 103 or consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
ART 105 Ceramics I (3)(0,6)
This course explores the use of hand building and wheel throwing techniques in pottery making. Students will use a variety of techniques in ceramic forming, surface decoration, glazing and firing. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $524 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer
ART 106 Ceramics II (3)(0,6)
This course further explores the use of hand building and wheel throwing techniques in pottery making and ceramic sculpture. Students will continue to develop their foundational skills and techniques in forming, surface decoration, glazing and firing, and will apply those techniques to generate complex ceramic forms. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $524 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ART 105 or consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer
ART 107 Painting I (3)(0,6)
This course is an introduction to using foundational painting techniques and exploring color theory principles in acrylic and oil painting media. Students will study and practice using historical and contemporary approaches to painting. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $484 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer
ART 108 Painting II (3)(0,6)
This course further explores the use of traditional painting media and introduces students to non-traditional painting media and techniques. Students will create artwork that emphasizes individual experimentation and style that reflects historical and contemporary approaches in painting. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $484 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ART 107 or consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer
ART 109 2D Design Foundations (3)(0,6)
This studio course introduces the foundational use of the elements and principles of design to create a portfolio of two-dimensional work. Students will explore using traditional and digital media to create work that reflects historic and contemporary aesthetics and personal expression. This course is a studio class exploring the fundamentals of the formal systems and basic elements of visual organization through two-dimensional design principles and theories (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available (3 FC) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $474 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer
ART 110 3D Design Foundations (3)(0,6)
This course introduces the use of the elements and principles of design in three-dimensional form to reflect historic and contemporary aesthetics and personal expression. Through project-based assignments, students will explore how to research and develop their ideas with traditional and modern fabrication methods, tools, and media to create works of art. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $504 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: **Course Active effective 2025 Summer Term** Prerequisite: None.
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
ART 111 Jewelry & Metalsmithing I (3)(0,6)
This course explores the use of metalsmithing and lost wax casting methods in jewelry making. Through hands-on practice, students will use foundational techniques in metal forming, soldering, surface decoration, and wax fabrication to create unique sculptural and jewelry forms (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available (2 EF) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $504 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
ART 112 Jewelry & Metalsmithing II (3)(0,6)
Building on the foundational skills acquired in Jewelry & Metalsmithing I, students will practice advanced methods of metalsmithing and lapidary in jewelry making. Students will explore a variety of techniques in metal forming, soldering, surface decoration alongside techniques in stone cutting, shaping, polishing and setting for ornamentation. This course will highlight the integration of traditional craftsmanship with modern digital fabrication methods to create intricate and expressive sculptural and jewelry forms (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available (2 EFIS) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $504 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ART 111 or consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
ART 113 Printmaking I (3)(0,6)
This studio course introduces basic printmaking processes and equipment, with equal emphasis on concept and technique. Students are introduced to a variety of print media and methods, such as intaglio, relief, and monotype. Students develop and understanding of the medium and learn good studio habits; the safe and responsive handling of tools and materials; and the knowledge required for basic manipulation of the processes used production of a printed image. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $494 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
ART 114 Printmaking II (3)(0,6)
This course further explores intaglio and relief printmaking, with an emphasis on color work and strengthening printing skills. Students learn techniques for producing color prints using single and multiple plate processes. A balanced outcome between technical and conceptual development is stressed in discussion and critiques. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $494 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ART 113
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
ART 115 Art Appreciation (3)(3,0)
Art Appreciation is a general introduction to the visual arts, including media, techniques, and history. Designed to foster a deeper appreciation of the creative processes of two- and three-dimensional art forms, methods, and media. This course examines the visual elements and principles of design and thematically surveys art styles and artistic movements from prehistory to the 21st century. (1.1) Fulfills the ECC/IAI General Education/Fine Arts requirement. IAI Course Number: F2 900 Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Reading: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Writing: Grade of C or better in ENG 098 or LTC 099 or satisfaction of other placement criteria.
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer
ART 117 Screen Printing (3)(0,6)
This course covers the fundamental techniques required to produce hand-pulled screen prints and the principles behind them. Students will learn a wide variety screen print methods with an emphasis on photographic emulsion techniques. Class will consist of lectures, demonstrations, critiques, and studio time. The course incorporates the history of screen print and its role as fine art, mass media, and commercial tool. Projects are designed to challenge students to consider their ideas within this specific medium and its context within printmaking and contemporary art. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available (3 F) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $489 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
ART 120 Darkroom Photography I (3)(0,6)
This course is an introduction to the art and mechanics of traditional black & white photography. Topics will include the use of a 35mm film SLR camera, the processing and printing of black & film, aesthetics, constructive critical discussion and the exploration of visual literacy. Over the course of the semester, the student will explore aesthetic and conceptual issues in the use of photography as a means of artistic production from both historical and contemporary models of thinking about the medium. Emphasis will be placed on using the photographic tools for personal expression, cultural observation and developing the student's individual artistic voice. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available (2FE) Pass/No Credit Available SPECIAL NOTE: The manual film SLR cameras required in this course are provided for checkout.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $514 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
ART 122 Digital Photography (3)(0,6)
This course will serve as an introduction to digital image capture and editing. Students will learn fundamental photographic concepts, the major functions of the digital camera, and the basics of professional image editing. The course will also cover basic workflow management strategies. An emphasis is placed on the creative application of the tools and techniques covered. Digital SLR cameras are provided for checkout if needed.(1.1) Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $514 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Reading: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria.
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer
ART 123 Digital Photography II (3)(0,6)
This second level course is designed to build on foundational skills acquired in the introductory course, taking students deeper into the art and skill of digital photography. Content includes advanced camera controls, image manipulation software, scanning methods, and printing techniques. Students will discuss the impact of technology on photographic imaging as well as the effects on contemporary culture. The course will also investigate the aesthetic and conceptual issues within this evolving medium. Emphasis will be placed on using the tools for personal expression, cultural observation and developing the student's individual artistic voice. Digital cameras are available for checkout.This course is repeatable 3 times. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available (2 EF) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $484 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ART 122 or consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Varies
ART 124 Darkroom Photography II (3)(0,6)
This course concentrates on the further development of skills and techniques established in ART 120. Students will continue to work with film and wet chemistry while exploring larger film formats and pursuing more conceptual uses of the medium as it relates to contemporary practice in art photography. Topics will include the use of medium and large format cameras, advanced printing techniques, digital/analog integration, exposure control, and analog manipulations. Emphasis will be placed on using the photographic tools for personal expression, cultural observation and developing the student's individual artistic voice. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available (2 IF) Pass/No Credit Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $524 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ART 120 or consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
ART 125 Alternative Process Photography (3)(0,6)
This course will investigate alternative and historic non-silver photographic processes. A fusion of traditional analog and contemporary digital techniques will allow students to create experimental images using a variety of methods.This course is repeatable 3 times. (1.1) Proficiency Credit: Not Available Pass/No Credit: Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $464 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None.
Semester(s) Offered: Varies
ART 130 Art of Film (3)(3,0)
This course examines the art and craft of filmmaking to improve understanding and appreciation of the cinematic medium. Students will develop a vocabulary related to filmmaking practices and conventions. They will examine how meaning is influenced in films by the use of cameras, editing, lighting, sound and acting. Films of the 19th, 20th, and 21st century will be viewed and discussed, as well as different modes of film analysis. (1.1) Fulfills the ECC/IAI General Education/Fine Arts requirement. IAI Course Number: F2 908 Proficiency Credit Available (3 C) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $439 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Writing: Grade of C or better in ENG 098 or LTC 099 or satisfaction of other placement criteria.
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
ART 151 History of Art, Prehistory to 1300 (3)(3,0)
This survey of painting, sculpture and architecture from pre-history to 1300 follows the historical development of the visual arts produced by Western civilizations, focusing on major artistic styles, works of art and monuments. Works are examined as expressions of the ideas, beliefs and practices of artists, cultures and societies. Topics include Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and Medieval Art (1.1) Fulfills the ECC/IAI General Education/Fine Arts requirement. IAI Course Number: F2 901 Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Reading: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria.Writing: Grade of C or better in ENG 098 or LTC 099 or satisfaction of other placement criteria.
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
ART 152 History of Art, 1300 to the Present (3)(3,0)
This survey of painting, sculpture, architecture, experiential/installation art and digital media from 1300 to the present follows the historical development of the visual arts produced by Western civilizations, focusing on major artistic styles, works of art and monuments. Works are examined as expressions of the ideas, beliefs and practices of artists, cultures and societies. Topics include Italian Renaissance, Impressionism, Cubism and Pop Art. (1.1) Fulfills the ECC/IAI General Education/Fine Arts requirement. IAI Course Number: F2 902 Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Reading: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Writing: Grade of C or better in ENG 098 or LTC 099 or satisfaction of other placement criteria.
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer
ART 154 Survey of Non-Western Art (3)(3,0)
Introduction to the art of the non-western world including the Islamic World, India and Southeast Asia, China, Japan and Korea, the art of Oceania, Africa and the Americas. This survey addresses the visual traditions of these regions including art, sculpture, architecture, painting, ceramics and book cultures, from the prehistoric to the contemporary period. Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed on the cultural practices of the makers of the art objects and how these traditions inform the objects' meaning and use. (1.1) Fulfills the ECC/IAI General Education/Fine Arts requirement. IAI Course Number: F2 903N Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: **Course Active effective 2025 Summer Term** Prerequisite: Reading: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria.Writing: Grade of C or better in ENG 098 or LTC 099 or satisfaction of other placement criteria.
Semester(s) Offered: Varies
ART 155 History of Photography (3)(3,0)
Historical survey of photography from 1839 to present, with major emphasis on the use of the medium as an art form. Examines the technical and aesthetic movement in the evolution of photography, while examining the impact of photography on culture and society. (1.1) Fulfills the ECC/IAI General Education/Fine Arts requirement. IAI Course Number: F2 904 Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Writing: Grade of C or better in ENG 098 or LTC 099 or satisfaction of other placement criteria.
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
ART 200 Topics in Art (1-3)(1,0)
(0-3, 0-7.5) This course offers an in-depth exploration and analysis of a specific artistic area. Selected area may be one of the studio arts or from the history of art. This course is repeatable 3 times. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $449 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Varies
ART 201 Life Drawing (3)(0,6)
This course is an introduction to drawing the human figure using a variety of media. Drawings are derived from direct observation emphasizing descriptive drawing techniques of the human figure. Drawing activities should include full figure, features, and anatomical differentiation encompassing individual physiognomy. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $524 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ART 101
Semester(s) Offered: Spring
ART 216 Glass Fusing I (3)(0,6)
Studio work in the exploration of 3-dimensional art forms through kiln formed glass. Techniques can vary depending upon the individuals interests. This course will explore the processes of fused glass or kiln worked glass. Working with the processes, slumping, fusing, casting, sand blasting and lampworking. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $504 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
ART 217 Glass Fusing II (3)(0,6)
A continuation of studio work in the exploration of 3-dimenstioal Art forms though Kiln Formed Glass. Techniques can vary depending upon the individuals interests. this course will continue to explore the processes of Fused Glass or Kiln worked Glass. further exploration into the processes of slumping, fusing, casting, sand blasting and lampworking with an emphasis on conceptual ideas. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $504 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: ART 216
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
ART 221 Studio & Location Lighting (3)(0,6)
This course is an intermediate-level college photography course designed to instruct the student in the fundamentals of controlling and modifying light. To do this, we will explore artificial lighting in a controlled studio environment as well as out on location in the world. Over the course of the semester, the student will explore aesthetic and conceptual issues in the use of artificial lighting in photography from both historical and contemporary models of thinking about the medium. Emphasis will be placed on using the photographic tools for personal expression, cultural observation and developing the student's individual artistic voice. Students must provide their own cameras. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available (2 FE) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $514 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: ART 122 or consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Varies
ART 231 The Story of Film to WWII (3)(3,0)
A survey of the development of cinema from its birth through the apex of the Hollywood studio system at the end of WWII. Major topics will include the international emergence of cinema, the ascent of film narratives, early movie stars, national cinemas in Germany, Russia and France, the introduction of sound and the classical period of Hollywood through WWII. Innovations in film practices and production that have significantly influenced cinema as an art form will be considered. (1.1) IAI General Education: F2 910 Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $439 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Reading: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Writing: Grade of C or better in ENG 098 or LTC 099 or satisfaction of other placement criteria.
Semester(s) Offered: Fall
ART 232 The Story of Film After WWII (3)(3,0)
A survey of the historical development of international cinema from Post WWII through the advent of digital production. Major topics will include the demise of the Hollywood Studio System, the emergence of Neo-Realism, New Wave auteur theories, Postwar cinema beyond the West, and the transformations of new media. Innovations in film practices that have significantly influenced cinema as an art form will be emphasized. (1.1) IAI General Education: F2 911 Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $439 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Reading: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Writing: Grade of C or better in ENG 098 or LTC 099 or satisfaction of other placement criteria.
Semester(s) Offered: Spring
ART 250 Visual Culture of Disease/Pandemics (3)(3,0)
In times of triumph and tragedy artists have been the pulse and voice of society. This course examines artistic responses to diseases and pandemics from ancient times to the current day. Through close examination of these visual responses, we can gain insight into how visual culture serves as a record of events, as well as a beacon of hope and healing during tragic times. Proficiency Credit: Not Available Pass/No Credit: Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Prerequisite:Reading: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Writing: Grade of C or better in ENG 098 or LTC 099 or satisfaction of other placement criteria.
Semester(s) Offered: Varies
ART 290 Professional Practices (2)(1,2)
This course will examine the preparation of a portfolio and supplementary material for the visual artist in preparation for transfer, gallery exhibitions and employment opportunities. Topics will include editing a portfolio, building a slide portfolio, creating a digital CD portfolio, resume preparation, writing an artist statement, self-promotion techniques and applying for exhibition or employment opportunities. The course will help the student best present themselves professionally, but students must come to class prepared with a significant body of coursework or visual art. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available (3 C) Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $316 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: None Recommended: Student shall have completed a significant number of courses in the Art Department and is ready to build a portfolio packet for transfer, exhibition or employment opportunities
Semester(s) Offered: Varies
ART 296 Independent Study - 2D (3)(3,0)
This course is intended for students who have completed coursework in 2D ART and wish to pursue advanced direct work in two-dimensional art. The student is to identify a special project and request advice and direction from the art faculty. The program will be carried out under the direction of one or more faculty members who will modify the proposal in accordance with departmental requirements for the credit involved. This course is repeatable 3 times. (1.1) Proficiency Credit: Not Available Pass/No Credit: Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $494 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor.
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer
ART 297 Independent Study in Art (1-3)(0,0)
(1-3, 0) The student is to identify a special project and request advice and direction from the art faculty. The program will be carried out under the direction of one or more faculty members who will modify the proposal in accordance with departmental requirements for the credit involved. This course is repeatable 3 times. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $494 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer
ART 298 Independent Study - Photography (3)(3,0)
This course is intended for students who have completed coursework in Photography and wish to pursue advanced direct work in Photography and new media. The student is to identify a special project and request advice and direction from the art faculty. The program will be carried out under the direction of one or more faculty members who will modify the proposal in accordance with departmental requirements for the credit involved. This course is repeatable 3 times.(1.1) Proficiency Credit: Not Available Pass/No Credit: Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $514 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor.
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer
ART 299 Independent Study - 3D (3)(3,0)
This course is intended for students who have completed coursework in 3D ART and wish to pursue advanced direct work in three-dimensional art. The student is to identify a special project and request advice and direction from the art faculty. The program will be carried out under the direction of one or more faculty members who will modify the proposal in accordance with departmental requirements for the credit involved. This course is repeatable 3 times. Proficiency Credit: Not Available Pass/No Credit: Not Available.
In-District Tuition/Fees: $509 (effective 2025/26 academic year)
In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.
Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor.
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer