Business (BUS)

All BUS courses numbered 100 and above may be applied to the major field and elective requirement for the Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees.

BUS 120 Business Mathematics also fulfills the math requirement for the Associate in Liberal Studies and Associate of Applied Science degrees.

Students who intend to transfer to another college/university in business should see an ECC advisor regarding the selection of ECC courses prior to registering.

BUS 100 Introduction to Business (3)(3,0)

This basic business course introduces the types and kinds of business enterprises and ownership forms. Students examine the principles and practices of business operations; including management, human resources, marketing, operations, accounting, and finance. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available (3 T) Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: None

Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer

BUS 101 Business Communications I (3)(3,0)

This introductory communication course helps students develop essential employability skills required in today's diverse workplace. Students will learn to write business messages effectively and efficiently, applying business ethics and etiquette, using correct grammar and punctuation, appropriate to the audience and request. Students will apply these communication skills through job search projects and multi-cultural business presentations. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: None Recommended: General computer skills or completion of CIS-110.

Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer

BUS 105 Personal Finance (4)(4,0)

^ Provides students with the tools they need to achieve financial freedom. Students will learn how to plan and manage their personal finances; make wise purchasing decisions; properly insure resources; invest resources appropriately; and plan for their financial future. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Available (2 ETI) Pass/No Credit Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $552 (effective 2025/26 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Reading:Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Math: Grade of C or better in MTH 095 or MTH 096, or satisfaction of other placement criteria.

Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer

BUS 112 Legal Environment of Business (3)(3,0)

A course dealing with those aspects of law directly related to the business environment including: contracts, torts, choice of business entity, the Clayton Act, Federal Trade Commission, mergers, labor/management, employment, discrimination, consumer protection, and product liability. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Reading: Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, an ACT score of 18 or above, or an appropriate placement score Writing: Grade of C or better in ENG 098 or LTC 099, an ACT score of 20, or an appropriate placement score.

Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring

BUS 113 Business Law (3)(3,0)

Study of the law of contracts, agency, negotiable instruments and related topics. Case materials and problems are used. (1.1) Proficiency Credit Available (3 C) Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Reading:Grade of C or better in RDG 091 or LTC 099, or satisfaction of other placement criteria. Writing: Grade of C or better in ENG 098 or LTC 099 or satisfaction of other placement criteria.

Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer

BUS 120 Business Mathematics (3)(3,0)

Basic arithmetic and algebra skills are applied to common business applications. To develop higher Skills and understanding of business concepts, the following will be included: Banking, Business analysis and decision making, discounts and Margins, payroll, interest, Present value and Future value of money, Debt decisions and implications, and financial reports. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Available (2 ETI) Pass/No Credit Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Math: Grade of C or better in MTH 090 or an appropriate placement score.

Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer

BUS 131 Customer Service Solutions (1)(1,0)

This course is designed to build and maintain the critical skills necessary to be a dynamic and successful service professional in a service-driven organization. Students will gain insight into customer behavior, attitudes, and perceptions and will develop strategies to create positive customer relationships. Customer Service Solutions will emphasize face-to-face encounters as well as telephone communication skills. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $138 (effective 2025/26 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: None

Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer

BUS 140 Business Statistics (3)(3,0)

Introduces the student to basic statistical principles and the procedures for applying statistical tools and techniques. Student learns to use simple analysis including measures of central tendency, dispersion, and skewness. Through the study of probability, discrete probability distributions (Binomial, Hypergeometric, Poisson, Uniform) and the normal distribution, a background for statistical inference is developed. Basic statistical inference is studied by using estimation, hypothesis testing, chi square analysis and linear regression and correlation. (1.1) IAI Major: BUS 901 Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Prerequisite:Grade of C or better in MTH 125 or MTH 112 or consent of instructor

Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring

BUS 142 Business Communications II (3)(3,0)

Students will apply professional business communication skills in a simulated business environment with various stakeholders in today's diverse workplaces. Students learn to create documents to deliver positive, negative, and persuasive messages using professional writing mechanics. Students learn to research and analyze data to prepare proposals and technical reports. Students will demonstrate increased communication skills through proposal presentations, multi-cultural business reports, and employment interview research and presentations.(1.2) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in BUS101 or ENG101 Recommended: General computer skills or completion of CIS110.

Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer

BUS 145 E-Commerce (3)(3,0)

This course explores the business opportunities, challenges and strategies for the use of electronic commerce. Included will be an examination of retail issues, advertising methods and strategies, service industries, business-to-business concerns, and implementation strategies. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: None

Semester(s) Offered: Spring

BUS 231 Customer Relationship Management (3)(3,0)

A study of the customer care process and how to strive for service excellence. Explores the impact of culture, technology, and globalization, and raises ethical questions to promote consideration of the responsibilities associated with excellence in customer relationship management. Students understand trends in customer service, understanding customers and their needs, customer loyalty, interpersonal communication skills needed for successful service, problem-solving, conflict management, and effective telephone skills. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: None

Semester(s) Offered: Spring

BUS 238 Effective Listening (3)(3,0)

A study of listening as an integral part of the communication process, development of listening/feedback skills, and an awareness of barriers to effective listening and feedback. Explores the impact of culture, technology, and globalization, and raises ethical questions to promote consideration of the responsibilities associated with listening behavior. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: None

Semester(s) Offered: Spring

BUS 254 Business Ethics (3)(3,0)

Utilizes an applied managerial approach to business ethics and strategic business decisions. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in BUS 101 or ENG 101 and MMT 101

Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring

BUS 260 Global Business (3)(3,0)

This course covers fundamental principles of global business. Topics covered include global business trends; forms and strategies of global business entry; an analysis of global economic, legal, political, and cultural business environments; and employment opportunities outside the U.S. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $414 (effective 2025/26 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in BUS 100

Semester(s) Offered: Fall

BUS 265 Problems and Projects in Business (4)(4,0)

Course examining contemporary business problems, issues, and topics. (1.2) Proficiency Credit Not Available Pass/No Credit Not Available.

In-District Tuition/Fees: $552 (effective 2025/26 academic year)

In-district tuition rates are subject to change based on Board approval.

Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor

Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring and Summer